Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Still Struggling

I am still struggling with getting my food under control since my vacation. I have been off my eating plan for almost 3 weeks. I have not been on a food binge every day all day  but I definitely have not been eating good choices and I have not been eating my 5-6 meals a day or my normal water intake. Each day I am getting better. I made the mistake of buying some sweet snacks for the kids and I have been eating them too. Thank Goodness they are almost gone. I will not be doing that again! Besides my daughter says she needs to get her eating under control too. We both gained a few pounds over vacation. Needless to say my grocery list this week will not include anything unhealthy!

I knew when I went on vacation my diet would suffer and so I have given myself 3 week to get my weight back to normal and my diet back to normal. I decided on 3 weeks because that is when I will be starting my bootcamp. That can not come at a better time! I am having a hard time staying motivated to go to the gym everyday. I think it is because I blew it my last 2 weeks of my challenge and I gained a few pounds back. I am hoping this will change before or when I start bootcamp.

Well off I go to go do some yard work. I am going to go plant all the flowers I bought yesterday. That is a good workout in it's self!

Have a good day!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Challenge 2

This week started my 2nd challenge. I am having a little bit of a hard time getting motivated this time around. I guess the last week of binge eating really got my mindset out of whack.  The good thing I have continued to workout each day. Instead of using a personal trainer this challenge I have decided to come up with my own routines and change up the program a little bit. I will be doing Upper Body Mon & Thurs, Lower Body and Abs Tues & Friday and Cardio and Abs Wed & Sat.

On Friday I tried my new Lower Body & Ab routine and boy did I feel it Saturday! I am excited to start this new routine in full next week. I have come up with some good exercises to start out with. I will make them even harder each month. Now I just have to get my eating back in check. I have not done horribly but I have had a few more free meals than I should. Good thing I have not gained anything but I have to get back to clean eating before I do gain fat weight.

Happy Sunday all!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Challenge 1

My last week of the challenge has not go as planned. Vacation visiting family & friends and my nutrition is off and my workouts are different. The gyms here are different  than what I'm used to. I have just had to make some adjustments with my routine. But even though my nutrition has been off this week, I did not miss any workouts.

We are having a huge 40th birthday party celebration for me this weekend where I will be able to see some fiends I have not seen since grade school. I am doing my best to make the menu with some healthy choices for myself and others who are trying to make better eating habits too, minus the 100 gourmet cupcakes that will be staring at me.

So, my first challenge, I didn't see as many results as anticipated, but I did see results. I lost scale weight, lost inches and body fat. I am happy with that. Do I wish I would have seen more results? Yes. But that will come starting Monday when I start my second challenge. I figured since this week has been off my normal routine I will count this week as my active rest week between challenges so a 11 week challenge in my C1 and a 12 week in my C2.

My second challenge, I will be including a bootcamp class in my first 4 weeks of my C2. I did this class about a year or so ago and had a blast. I think this will help me break through my plateau and give me the extra push and motivation to get through another challenge and some new workout ideas.

To keep me motivated and to have another goal other than losing weight. I will be signing up for a military challenge with some of my friends from my bootcamp class. A military challenge is like a Warrior Dash. It is a 5k-8k with obstacles and lots of mud throughout the run.  I did this 2 years ago, it was my first marathon ever, and this time I want to demolish my previous finish time.

Challenge 2 here I come!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy 40th Birthday to me!

Today is my 40th Birthday. Wow! It sounds funny to say "I'm 40" I'm not freaked out about my age because I feel great and I'm in better shape now, than I ever was. It is only going to get better from here. 

One more week to go! Then another challenge after.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


OK So I had a Duh moment. I figured out why I was craving all that horrible food like ice cream, greasy foods last week. It is because of that wonderful monthly friend that comes to visit. LOL!

Don't laugh! You see, up until the last couple years I had never experienced PMS before, I never had cramps, bloating, mood swings or food cravings. Over the last couple years I have experience some of these symptoms very randomly and not in any sort of pattern. Sometimes I might get slight cramps and nothing else. Other times I may get cravings and moodiness and most of the time nothing.

So this time I was not relating what was going on to being PMS, until this morning. Too bad it had to come in my last 3 weeks of the program.

I still have the rest of this week and next to get back on track.

Have a great Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 11

Today is the beginning of week 11. I did an upper body workout today and I felt I needed to make up for last weeks food disasters. So today I upped all my weights by 5lbs and did a few extra reps when my muscles would let me. It felt good. I also have started taking a new supplement BCAA 2200 for lean muscles and recovery. So now my supplements include BCAA 2200, CLA, Green Tea, L-Carnitine. I may add a potassium supplement. I have noticed I have not been getting enough potassium in my food. I may also change up my meal plan for the last 2 weeks for maximum benefit of this program.

Tough Week

Week 10 was hard for me to stay focused. I know this is the last leg of the challenge but I really had a hard time with my nutrition. I had a few free meals during the week most were not too bad and I had 1 that was wow! I didn't realize how many cals, fat etc that meal had until it was too late. I guess we all have those times. The important thing is to get back on track. One good thing is, I did not miss a workout and I did workout hard each time. I will do better next week, week 11.