Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Kryptonite!

My Krytonite is Coke! I love it! I love the burn as it does down your throat. I love it so much that it is truly my Kryptonite. Once I have one I can't control myself. I want more. Before you know it I have had 3-4 of them.

A few days ago I decided to give up Coke for Lent. I have already broke this and had 2 Cokes over the weekend. The difference this time is I really paid attention to how I felt in the hours after I drank the sodas. I immediately noticed I was bloated and uncomfortable. That feeling lasted all day, I even started craving more and craved sweets and other junk food. It was almost unbearable that I decided to go to bed before I gave in. The bad thing is, the cravings ran into the next day too. So I got up and went to the gym and after that I was able to control the urges and go about my day as normal.

After this, I have decided that the short term guilty pleasure is just not worth what comes after. So, no more sodas for me for the next 40 days. I can for sure commit to 40 days, and then make a new goal after that. It is much easier to do it this way then to say I am giving it up forever. But someday it will be forever. Just like I did with smoking. But, I must admit, smoking was much easier to give up than sodas. lol

Have  a great day everyone! May you accomplish one of your goals today!

Eating out on the BFL program

In the past I have found it hard to find BFL approved meals while eating out. I have my favorite foods I like to eat and find myself ordering the same foods every time I go. 

My favorite things to eat are:
      Hamburgers and Fries.
      Mexican (fast food or sit down restaurant)
      Olive Garden

In the last week or so I have gone out for lunch with friends and it wasn't on a free day. So I had to find a healthy alternative to the foods that I love. 
     The first day we went to Applebee's; They have meals that are 550 calories. So ordered the steak and shrimp with roasted potatoes and steamed veggies. It was very good. But to make it healthier, I had the hold the sauce and I packaged up half of the steak because it was larger than my palm. (BFL measurement guidelines)
      The second time I went out to eat, we went to a Mexican restaurant. I was not sure what to pick that would be healthy. The only thing I did know was to pass on the nachos. (one of my weaknesses along witht he cheese dip) My friend ordered Aqua Tacos, I had never heard of them so I asked what they were. She replied, they were tacos without a shell or tort, it came with lettuce to wrap them in instead. So I decided to order them too. I opted out of the sour cream. I barely used and cheese on them, it was almost non existent, and it came with pico sauce. They were good. This is my new favorite when eating Mexican!

Now I just need to find a healthier option for my other favorite meals. Then I know I ca make the changes I need for life and not have the want for free days!

Well on my way and feeling great!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week Six

It has been a little over a week since I have been on my new meal plan listed in my last post along with taking supplements. I have so much more energy towards the evening than I used to have. I get up at 6am every morning to go to the gym before anyone else gets up. Than after that my day starts...Non stop most of the day and by 8pm sometimes earlier I am ready for bed. But now with the supplements I have energy to stay up and see some of my TV shows I had been sleeping through. ha ha ha.

Today is Monday, the day I step on the scale to see the damage of my free day. This weekend though I decided to just have a free meal and not a free day. I didn't feel as guilty nor did I feel I just ruined what I worked on all week for. So I was anxious to see what the scale had in store for me today. To my surprise I was 2.5 lbs lighter than the Monday before. That is huge for me because it usually take me a month to see those results. lol

Now the real job begins....Not sabotaging my weight loss with small food rewards. I seem to do that at times. But I won't this time because I really want to see if I can lose another pound or so by next week.

I just started my 7th week and my muscles feel stronger and I continue to see results with the reduction of fat and cellulite. YIPPIE!!!!  I am more than 1/2 way there and I'm already ready for the next 12 weeks!!
I hope you all are finding your way with this program. Keep up the great work guys!

Thanks for reading!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Meal Plan

Last week, I got some good advice from on of last years participants in BFL program, about my meal plan. He suggested a few minor changes to my meal plan. Some he suggested just moving of few of my meals/snacks around to eating them at different times of the day for maximum benefit. So, this week I have implemented what Tim suggested into my meal plan.

He suggested I switch from having a nutrition bar first meal of the day to later in the afternoon, and have eggs for breakfast instead. I normally do not have time to make breakfast in the morning so, this week I prepped everything I would need for the week on Sunday (chop onions veggies etc and bought microwavable bacon) to make it easier to make time to make breakfast. So far this week I was able to do it. Now that I know I do have time I will make this part of my routine.

Tim also suggested I give up my quick Lean Cuisine's I was having for lunch and switch to chicken breast or fish with a good carb and veggie. So, I have also done this this week. I got some frozen salmon and some individually wrapped boneless, skinless chicken breast to make for lunch. I also cut up veggies earlier in the week to make it easy to grab and steam them along with some canned beans for my carb. Again, this seems to work just fine, it only takes an extra 5-10 minutes to make. Plus, it is much more fulfilling.

Another thing he suggested was, to switch my Greek Yogurt to my last meal/snack of the day in place of my 100 calorie pack popcorn. I forget why he said to do this but, it did make a lot of sense, and it seems to be working.

Last thing he suggested was to start taking supplements. This is hard for me because I don't take medicine. Very rarely do I even take a Aspirin or Tylenol. Besides when ever you take supplements for working out, they always recommend you take 3-4 different kinds and then you have to take a few of each a few times a day. That can add up to a lot of pills in a day. And since I don't even take one pill a day, it will be hard. So, his suggestions were to take CLA, Green Tea, L-Carnitine, HMB & Phos-Forse. So I went to my local supplement store and found a product called Slim CLA. This has CLA, Green Tea & L-Carnitine in it, and I only have to take 4 pills a day compared to buying each one separately. Then I did get the HMB too. They did not have the Phos-Force and I believe that is a drink, and I don't like any kind of workout drinks. Too gritty for me and they make me gag. So I will pass on this for now. But, I did get a product called Relax Replenisher. It is to help with sleep, stress and your metabolism while you sleep. 

I have been doing well all week taking my supplements. I just told myself just give it your all for 4 weeks and see what happens. I tend to tell myself this a lot because 4 weeks doesn't seem very long to commit to anything. Besides, after 21 days it becomes a habit. Right! I really like the Relax Replenisher, I have had some great nights sleep without feeling foggy in the morning. It calms my mind so I can sleep soundly. Even if I get up to use the bathroom, I can go right back to sleep and normally I couldn't do this. The Slim CLA gives me energy throughout the day without the jitters or shakes. I am very sensitive to any kind of stimulants, even Mountain Dew will make me shake. So I like this product a lot. The HMB I'm not sure what exactly it is supposed to do but, I feel as though it is aiding in my muscle recovery. 

So, here is where I am at in my Meal Plan and Supplements now: 

Gym- 16oz water
Breakfast- 2 eggs & 2 egg white omelet with peppers, spinach & onions and 3 pieces of turkey bacon &       8oz Water
             2 Slim CLA pills and 4 HMB pills 
Snack- Pistachios and a banana & 8oz Water
Lunch- Chicken or Salmon with beans and a steamed veggie & 8oz Water
            2 Slim CLA pills and 4 HMB pills 
Snack- Myoplex Lite bar & 8oz Water
Dinner- Well that can be tricky, my husband does most of the cooking and does pretty good making it healthy so I concentrate on portion sizes. 8oz water
             4 HMB pills and 2 Fiber Chewables
Snack- Greek Yogurt with Oats, Walnuts ans Raisins mixed in & 8-16oz Water
             30-60 minutes before bed I take 2 Relax Replenisher pills

I will let ya know how this works out for me and if I find I need to tweak it a bit more later.

Tough Day at the gym!

Today was a tough day in the gym. Have you ever started a new routine and did a great job the first day and then the next time you go to do the same routine you find it hard to do the same weight you just did 2 days before? I have, it seems like every time I start a new routine it takes me a couple time to just be able to do what I did the first day. But, I do find once I do I can move up in weight pretty quickly. Maybe it's just getting used to the weights, movements etc? Anyway, today was tough to get through and my arms feel fatigued. I guess it's a good thing. Tomorrow is cardio....I think I am going to try something different. I think I will have my 2 minute warm up and jump up to my level 10 (or what used to be my level 10) for a minute and then back down to a walk then up even higher for a minute and keep doing that for 20 min and see how far I can truly push myself. I'll let ya know how it works out.

Body for Life Book

I just finally was able to find the BFL Book the other day. I looked all over for it and every time it was sold out.  That must say something for the book. I didn't want to wait until I got the book to start the program. So I went on the website and read everything I could and decided I knew enough to get started. Now, I am almost finished with the book and my 5th week in the program. The book is still very informative and I have found a lot of Ah-Ha moments while reading it. He breaks it down in such easy terms. It really is pretty simple once you clear your mind of all the other noise you have heard in the past and nutrition and exercise. I have about 40 more pages to go. If you have not gotten the book and are doing the program, I suggest you get it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today is Ash Wednesday; I am not Catholic but the last few years I have decided to give up something for Lent. I decided to do this because I like the idea of making a sacrifice for someone who sacrificed so much for us all. The things I have given up in the past have been food items. Why is that? I guess its because its something I really enjoy but, is not a necessity. Food yes, is important but not junk food is not a necessity. In the past I have given up chocolate and potato chips. So once again, I am giving up my one and only vice I have left, Coke! Coca Cola that is! I am a huge soda drinker. It is my drink of choice. I know it is not a good choice when your trying to lose weight and eat healthy. As I have posted in the past; I quit smoking 4 years ago. Smoking was far easier to quit than giving up Coke. Even just giving it up temporarily has been much harder. In the past I wouldn't even think of giving Coke up for Lent because it would be too hard. But since I have started the Body for Life Challenge I know I cannot accomplish what I want with this program and drink Coke too. So this year I am giving up all soda for Lent! The ultimate goal would be to give it up forever but I must take baby steps. So until Easter, I am giving you up. I will miss you dearly my friend!  =D

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Starting Month 2

Yesterday, started my second month with a new upper body routine. Boy was that great! I didn't know how strong I was. Like most I think we under estimate ourselves. Some of my starting out weights were too light and I will up those on Thursday. What a great feeling to accomplish something you didn't think you could do. I am still weak in some areas but I am getting stronger each time I work out.

Today was cardio, I hate cardio! It can be so exhausting running on the treadmill. I know isn't that the point, to reach your level 10 you must exert yourself . I must say, reaching my level 10 in strength training is much easier than reaching my level 10 in cardio, where your heart rate goes through the roof. lol But I pushed through. I raised the bar for myself and increased my speed and incline. This will be my new starting point and work up from there. My goal is to work up to a max speed of 6.5. Don't laugh! You must remember I am only 4'9" tall, my legs can only move so fast! lol

Tomorrow is a new lower body & abs routine! I wonder what Eddy has in store for me. He said he has some ab exercises to help with my love handles. Why do people call these love handles? I cannot think of anyone who loves them? Confused! lol

Have a great day all!

Monday February 20, 2012

Today was my first weigh in at 4 weeks into the program. I will have a weigh in every 4 weeks along with my measurements and body fat %. So after 4 weeks I lost 3lb, 3.5 inches and 2.5% body fat. Not bad! Just 19 or lbs to go and I would like to get down to around 19% body fat. Let's see how I do.

Also I started a new work out routine. Today was upper body, tomorrow is cardio and Wednesday is a new lower body routine.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Yoga Today

Today I am doing a beginner Yoga Class. Boy, do I need to stretch after yesterdays class! This will be my 5th Yoga class. I really like it. It is relaxing and helps me stretch my muscles so they can recover. By the end of the week I am stiff and sore from that weeks workout and need some relief. As soon as I'm done with yoga, it's all gone and I feel back to normal again. This I will keep doing just because of that. Have a great day everyone!

Saturday Sweat Shop Class

OK, so I am getting a little bored with all the running for cardio. So one day a week I am going to switch it up a bit. Today did a Saturday morning sweat shop class. It is 45 min long cardio class with 15 min abs. Kicked my butt! I have no coordination and I was all over the place. But hey, at least I went and I will keep going. I will get the moves down and that part will be easier.

Next Saturday I am going to do a Beginners Spin Class. EEEK! Wish me luck with that one!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Month One!

3 more days and I will have finished my first month of BFL. On Monday I will weigh in, take new measurements, body fat % and take my 1 month in pics. I am a little nervous since, I don't seem to be seeing any difference in how my pants fit or any lost pounds on the scale. But, I do see a difference in my muscle tone and the smoothing out of my cellulite. If that makes any sense? I guess the pictures will say more. My husband says he can see a difference. I hope I will. I am not going to get discouraged though because, they say this is normal and that most people don't really start seeing results until week 8. I am not that over weight maybe, 20lbs at the most. But, 4 weeks ago I was 30%+ body fat and a lot of rolls and cellulite. So I should expect to see those results first before lbs. I know they say not to worry about what the scale says but, since I am not seeing bigger results elsewhere, the scale is all I have to judge for now. Once I start seeing results the scale will become less important. As long as I am happy with how I look then I really don't care what the scale says.

Nutrition? Why do we make things so difficult? I have struggled with trying to eat right for a long time. I thought I was eating right by counting calories, fat, carbs etc.... But the fact is, you can still eat bad and count everything out. So I think I am on the right track. Clean eating only..... It is a little more time consuming to eat clean. Because no more easy to make meals like Lean Cuisine and no more protein bars first meal of the day. I have to actually make food to eat. But, once on a routine it will get easier.

With this program;
Don't count your calories etc.
Use your hand to gauge your portion sizes.
Eat 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day
Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Eat a good protein and a good carb with each meal.
Eat Clean. That's it!
Oh yeah! You get one day a week to splurge a little!

The only hard part is making sure you eat 6 times a day and drinking all the water. That takes thought!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week Four

Here it is week 4 and I'm feeling pretty good. I can see minor changes happening but I am still struggling with my foods/nutrition. maybe you can help?

I am struggling with my nutrition. I hear so many different things and I'm not sure what is correct. Some say with this program don't worry about your caloric intake some much, just eat as clean as possible. But if you eat more than you burn then you'll gain weight right? I also hear if you want to lose weight to take your weight x 7= your caloric intake. Unless it comes up less than 1200 calories, then you need to eat the 1200 because a women shouldn't eat less than 1200 calories. But again this takes me back to eating too many calories. If I take my weight 131.5 x 7= 920.5 calories is this too little? Is 1200 calories too much for me?
Let me give you information about me.
Stats: Height 4' 9"  
           Weight 131.5
   Age 39 (really close to 40)
I quit smoking about 4 years ago and gained 24 lbs. For the last 3 years I have been working out. I did a bootcamp for a year and a half since the bootcamp I have been working out in the gym for the last year or so. First I was doing 30 min cardio 4-5 days a week and strength training 4-5 days a week (switching muscle groups) and I have ran in a 5k, 10k, 10 miler and getting ready for my first 1/2 marathon. After all this I have only lost 10lbs of the 24 I gained. I have back fat that doesn't seem to want to go anywhere and rolls where most people get them and they seem very comfortable living where they are. I would like to evict them now! lol 
January 23rd 2012 I decided to try this program. I am in my 4 week and I am seeing some minor results in muscle tone and smoothing out of my cellulite. But nothing on the scale or inches yet. So this leads me to believe my eating is wrong.
Here is my schedule and what I have been eating the last few 4 weeks.
6:30am - Gym 16oz water
7:30-8:00am Breakfast-EAS Myoplex Strength Bar 290calories, 25g protein, 9g fat, 35g carbs, 1g fiber, 16g sugar 
10:30-11:00am Snack-1 Serving Pistachios 160 calories, 6g protein, 14g fat, 8g carbs, 3g fiber, 2g sugar & 8oz water
12:30-1:00pm Lunch- A Lean Cuisine 320 calories or less, 550g sodium or less, at least 14g protein and no more than 8g fat & 8oz Water
3:00-3:3pm Snack- 1/2 serving Greek yogurt with 1 serving dry Kashi go lean cereal added with 1/4 cup oats 260 calories, 23g protein, 4g fat, 39                                carbs, 9g fiber, 15g sugar 8oz water
6:00-6:30pm Dinner- 1 serving protein, 1 serving starch, 1 1/2 servings dinner. (My husband cooks dinner so I am never sure of the calories so I                                 control the serving size) 8oz water
8:00-8:30pm Snack- 100 calorie pack Orville Redenbach popcorn 100 calories, 3g protein, 1.5g fat, 21g carbs, 3g fiber, 0g sugar 8oz water
If I add all these up then I am at around 1400 calories a day, 6 meals and 7 - 8oz of water. 
Please let me know what I am doing wrong or what I need to change! 
Also I do not take any supplements because I do not know what to take for what. My body is very sensitive to caffeine too.

Thank you for your help!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week Three

Today is the beginning of week three. I didn't really feel like going today. Probably from the junk I ate last night. But, I got up and did it and I felt much better after. Remember one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up for what you did yesterday! Today is a new day!

Day Thirteen

OK so I didn't get to do my cardio workout yesterday, I planned on going to a Saturday Sweatshop cardio workout, but I got tied up doing other things around the house. This is why I need to get up early before anyone else in the house id up. =D Well today is Superbowl and I have already gone to my second Yoga class this morning. Now to control my eating during the game. It's kinda hard when your going to someone else's house. If I would have planned ahead I would have used today as my cheat day and not yesterday. Oh well, lessons learned.

Week Two

OK today was the beginning of week two. Lower body workout. This week I will be doing lower body twice and upper body once. My trainer said I want to work on increasing my weights whenever possible. I think this week I will stay the same and next week up my weights by five or ten lbs each exercise.

Yoga Class

Yoga class was great! I can get used to this. I don't feel tight and stiff anymore. It was really relaxing and the instructor was very nice and helpful with correct form. I think I will go back each Sunday!

Day Seven

Today is a rest day. But I am feeling tight and stiff so, in a few minutes I am going to go to a beginner Yoga class. I have never taken a Yoga class before but I hear it's great for stretching, flexibility and building long lean muscles. I'll let ya know what I think.

Day Six

Today is day six and I seem to be struggling a little with my nutrition. I am having trouble finding foods I like, in the caloric intake aloud. They say to lose weight you take your weight x 7= calories aloud. Unless that falls below 1200 then you should eat 1200 nothing less because then you are burning muscle instead of fat.

Here is some information that I found on nutrition;

Another key aspect of BFL is consuming a diet that is low enough in caloric intake to cause fat loss, while providing enough calories and protein to build muscle and cardiovascular endurance. In addition, BFL attempts to make choosing portion sizes and food as easy as possible to avoid overcomplication. The major aspects of the diet program include:
  • Eating 6 smaller meals per day instead of the standard 3 large meals. BFL (along with some dietary experts) maintain that eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day will boost the body's metabolism, causing it to burn fat faster.
  • Eating one "portion" of carbohydrates and one "portion" of protein at each meal. To keep determining portion sizes simple, BFL suggests that one "portion" of carbohydrates should equal a potato or ball of rice roughly equal to the size of the person's clenched fist. Additionally, one "portion" of protein would roughly equal a piece of meat the size of the person's palm and as thick as a deck of cards.
  • Consuming vegetables with at least two meals per day.
  • Taking a good multi-vitamin.
  • Limiting consumption of butter, cheese, mayonnaise, alcoholic beverages, and high fat salad dressings.
  • Allowance of one "free day" each week. A free day is one day a week in which the person is allowed to make dietary choices that do not correspond with the BFL eating program. Although this should not be a day to binge eat junk food, BFL encourages people to eat whatever foods or desserts they desire on this day. According to Bill Phillips, this allows the body to avoid the Starvation response and gives the dieter a chance to avoid cheating since they know they simply have to wait until their free day to have what they crave.
Body for Life also encourages people to eat mostly lean meats like chicken, fish, and turkey, as well as tofu. Carbohydrates that are multi-grain and unrefined are also encouraged. Bill Phillips encourages people to adopt this eating program as a lifestyle, and not as a temporary diet. Although the amount of protein eaten should be enough for some people to build good muscle mass, some observe that high-protein shakes and meal bars should be consumed to increase protein intake. Not surprisingly, the program suggests consuming protein products from EAS.

Day Five

Today my arms feel good. That's a good thing because today is another upper body workout.

Body for Life's exercise program is more complicated than its diet program. It suggests exercising six days a week, normally Monday to Saturday, and alternating between weight training and aerobic exercise. The seventh day, usually Sunday, is a rest day (referred to as the "free day", during which no exercise is done and unhealthy, normally fatty foods may be eaten). Weight training sessions alternate between exercises for the upper body and exercises for the lower body. This allows the exercised muscles enough time to recover fully before the next training session.
Each fortnight follows the same pattern:
Week 1Upper-body
Free Day
Week 2Lower-body
Free Day]

Intensity index

Body for Life uses Gunnar Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion for assessing the intensity of exercise based on how hard you feel you are working. It uses a scale of 0 to 10:
  • 0 is no exertion at all.
  • 2 corresponds to very light exercise. For a healthy person, this is like walking slowly at their own pace for several minutes.
  • 5 on the scale is somewhat hard exercise, but it still feels OK to continue.
  • 8 is very strenuous. A healthy person can still go on, but they really have to push themselves. It feels very heavy, and the person is very tired.
  • 9 on the scale is an extremely strenuous exercise level. For most people this is the most strenuous exercise they have ever experienced.
  • 10 is maximal exertion: an all-out, 100% effort.
These levels accommodate differences in fitness. An unfit individual may require a level 10 effort to walk briskly uphill, whereas for a competitive athlete this may only be a level 3 effort. Over the course of the 12-week Body for Life program an individual would get noticeably fitter, so their intensity scale needs to be adjusted over time. This is considered normal.

Day Four

OK, so today my arms, legs and butt are sore. It is a good sore not a so bad I can't workout for a few days sore. So off I go to my second cardio day!

Day Three

Today was a lower body & ab work out. Again, a great workout and my legs are already fatigued. We will see how I feel tomorrow.

Day Two

Wow! What an intense cardio workout! It may only be 20 min, but boy is it a workout. I can handle a 20 minute cardio workout when I burn 230 calories! But I must admit running is not my favorite form of exercise. I guess I should have taken that into consideration when I signed up to run a 1/2 marathon. UGH! What was I thinking? =D

Day One

Today is January 23, 2012  my first day, an upper body workout. My arms are already fatigued and I just got home a few minutes ago. It feels good I just hope by this evening I will still be able to raise my hands. he he he  After all, I am a hairstylist and I need to be able to raise my hands to do my job.

Night Before My First Workout

Tomorrow is the first day of training. I am very excited to start this new program. I know I need to take this one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. After all, one can only control what one does today not what one did yesterday!